Hochschule Bremen



Dipl.-Ing. Ange FrancineTchinda Pockem

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Wasserschall, Sonartechnik und Signaltheorie (IWSS)
Neustadtswall 30   
Gebäude E, Raum 301b
Hochschule Bremen
D-28199 Bremen   
E-mail: Ange-Francine.Tchinda-Pockem@hs-bremen.de   
Tel.: +49 421 5905 3470
Fax: +49 421 5905 3420
Ange Tchinda

Curriculum Vitae

Ange Tchinda received the dipolma degree in electrical engineering and information technology (Dipl.-Ing.) from Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, in April 2009. Her diploma thesis was on delay optimized noise suppression for speech enhancement in car communication systems. Her student thesis was concerned with tracking of mobile stations in non-light-of-sight environments using network infrastructure. Since September 2009 she is working as a research associate in the Institute of Water-Acoustics, Sonar-Engineering and Signal-Theory (IWSS) at the Hochschule Bremen (University of Applied Sciences). She is working towards her PhD degree in the field of sonar signal and image processing, where she is especially interested in the detection and classification of anomalies in 2D and 3D Sonar Images.

Areas of current research 

o   Underwater Acoustics
o   Sonar Signal Processing / Beamforming
o   Digital Image Processing / Sonar Image Enhancement
o   Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence

TU Darmstadt                      Atlas Elektronik