Changes to csp.vim ================== in reverse chronological order. From 0.6.0 to 0.6.1: - Updated the contact data of the maintainer. From 0.5.0 to 0.6.0: - Fixed a problem with vim >= 6.00: syntax highlighting did not work properly anymore because the match pattern "\&" got some new meaning as a regular expression. Now we simply use the pattern "&" to match the corresponding CSP operator. From 0.4.4 to 0.5.0: - Added highlighting of "pragma SDL_MATCH" and the following syntax. - Added "TODO" as a to-do marker, besides "FIXME" and "!!!". - Added compatibility code proposed by Bram Moolenaar such that the syntax file will work both with vim version before and after 6.0. - When an identifier starts with an underscore, decide on upper/lower case for first character only after that. - Restricted "--" comments to one line. - Temporarily enabled "-- pragma SDL_MATCH". From 0.4.3 to 0.4.4: - Added correct highlighting for the filename argument of "include". From 0.4.2 to 0.4.3: - Removed "pragma AM_UNDEF" since csp2alpha does not know about it. - Reworked the pragma highlighting: changed multiple "syn match cspRttComment ..." to "syn region cspRttPragma ..." which is probably more efficient. From 0.2.0 to 0.4.0: - Added keywords: sbisim, tau_loop_factor, model_compress, explicate, external, chase, prioritize. - Corrected "ms" (match start) to "lc" (leading context). Allowed mixed case in Types and Sets, as long as some lower case is present. - Made identifiers case sensitive. Changed cspTodo from Debug to Todo. Added reserved identifiers for tool output (ending in underscore), highlighted as Error. - Fixed "[[^>]" (must be me=e-1). Added "livelock". 0.2.0: inital publicly released version.