Prof. Dr. Jan Bredereke

Reference / Literaturverweis [Bre18b]

Bredereke, J. and others:
A Distributed System with Guaranteed Temporal Properties For Attitude Control.
Technical Report. City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany (Oct. 2018).

Abstract / Zusammenfassung

This project demonstrates how to implement a distributed system with guaranteed temporal properties using a time-triggered architecture. The application is a simple attitude control system. The project was carried out as part of the course "Embedded Systems" at the City University of Applied Sciences Bremen, during the summer term 2018. It was supervised by Prof. Dr. Jan Bredereke. This project builds on a similar project in the preceding term. The previous project realized many components already. However, in several places matching interfaces are missing still. Therefore, the emphasis of the current project is on the relations among the concepts, and on implementing a coherent system. The chapters after the introduction were written by the students named there. The project was conducted in cooperation with Airbus Bremen.

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